At the Western Baths Club most of our classes are available to members as part of their annual membership subscription.

Classes are available to book via our online booking system as well as at Reception.

If you would like to access the online booking system and have not yet been set up for this, our Reception team will be happy to arrange this for you.

Classes can be booked up to 14 days in advance and any cancellations must be made no later than 24 hours prior to the class taking place.

The Western Baths operates a strike system and our policy states that if you are issued 2 strikes within a 14 day period, you will lose the ability to book classes for 14 days.

Most of our classes are also available to non-members at a *fee and can be booked via Reception with the exception of Aquafit which is not available to non-members.

Private classes can be booked by contacting the instructors directly.

For further information, please contact Reception on 0141 576 0294.

*Please see individual class prices.

View The Exercise Studio daily timetable below

10.00am - 11.30amYoga L2 Instructor - Margaret
12.30pm - 1.30pmPilatesInstructor - Leigh
1.30pm - 2.30pmPilatesInstructor - Leigh
5.45pm - 6.45pmPilates Instructor - Jenn
7.00pm - 8.30pmYoga L2 Instructor - Angie
8.30pm - 9.30pmYoga L1 Instructor - Angie
7.30am - 8.30amPilates**Instructor - Nicola Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
10.00am - 11.30amYoga L2Instructor - Valerie
11.45am - 12.45pmAdult Ballet**Instructor - June Private class. Payment taken by instructor.
12.45pm - 1.45pmAdult Ballet**Instructor - June Private class. Payment taken by instructor.
2.30pm - 3.30pmPilatesInstructor - Jenn
4.45pm - 5.30pmBallet FitInstructor - Izzy
5.45pm - 6.45pmPilatesInstructor - Angela
7.00pm - 8.00pmAdult Ballet**Instructor - June Private class. Payment taken by instructor.
8.15pm - 9.15pmPilates**Instructor - Nina Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
7.00am - 8.00amEarly Yoga GeneralInstructor - Angie
10.30am - 11.30amPilates**Instructor - Jenn Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
12.00pm - 1.00pmPilatesInstructor - Nicola
1.15pm - 2.15pmChair YogaInstructor - Margaret
3.30pm - 4.30pmTai Chi**Instructor - Pete Private block booked through instructor.
7.00pm - 8.30pmTai Chi**Instructor - Pete Private block booked through instructor.
12.00pm - 1.00pmPilatesInstructor - Jenn
5.45pm - 6.45pmPilatesInstructor - Leigh
6.50pm - 8.10pmYoga L2 Instructor - Neil
8.15pm - 9.15pmYoga L1Instructor - Neil
10.30am - 11.30amPilates**Instructor - Nicola Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
11.30am - 1.00pmYoga L1/2Instructor - Margaret
1.00pm - 2.00pmYoga Chair/RestorativeInstructor - Margaret
9.30am - 11.00amYoga L2 Instructor - Pamela
11.15am - 12.15pmYoga L1 Instructor - Pamela
12.30pm - 1.30pmAdult BalletInstructor - June Private class. Payment taken by instructor.
1.45pm - 2.45pmJunior DramaDrama Teacher - Lesley Russell Private class. Payment taken by teacher.
3.00pm - 4.00pmJunior DramaDrama Teacher - Lesley Russell Private class. Payment taken by teacher.
5.00pm - 6.00pmPilatesInstructor - Leigh
9.30am - 10.30amBeginners 4 Week Yoga Block Instructor - Pauline Contact reception for details. Payment required.
11.00am - 12.00pmPilates Instructor - Jenn
1.00pm - 2.00pmAdult DramaBlock Class Drama Teacher - Lesley Russell Private class. Payment taken by teacher.
3.30pm - 5.00pmYoga not for beginnersInstructor - Emma

View The Sports Hall daily timetable below

10.30am - 12.00pmShort Tennis 50+
4.00pm - 5.00pmJunior HockeyFor kids aged 8 and over.
6.00pm - 6.30pmHIIT Step
6.35pm - 7.20pmCore Stability Circuits
7.30pm - 8.30pmSenior Football (Aged 40+) Instructor makes the charge for the class and payment is made directly to them, for details speak to instructor
8.30pm - 9.30pmSenior Football Anyone 20.30 – 21.30 (Member Hire) Instructor makes the charge for the class and payment is made directly to them, for details speak to instructor
10.00am - 10.45amZumba Gold**Instructor Marie **Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
11.00am - 12.00pmCore StabilityInstructor - Gary
1.00pm - 1.45pmZumba Gold**Instructor - Marie **Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
3.30pm - 5.00pmJunior HockeyFor kids aged 8 and over.
6.00pm - 6.50pmAerobicsInstructor - Izzy
7.00pm - 9.00pmSenior Badminton Club (Member Hire)Instructor makes the charge for the class and payment is made directly to them, for details speak to instructor
12.00pm - 2.00pmPickleballNon-members pay £6 at reception
4.00pm - 5.00pmJunior BasketballFor kids aged 8 and over.
6.00pm - 6.50pmCircuits
7.00pm - 8.00pmMens FootballNon-members £5 pay at reception
9.30am - 10.30amCore StabilityInstructor - Gary
10.45am - 12.45pmShort Tennis 50+
1.00pm - 1.45pmZumba Gold**Instructor - Marie **Non-Members can book 14 days in advance.
4.00pm - 5.00pmJunior Short Tennis/BadmintonFor kids aged 5 and over.
6.00pm - 6.30pmHIIT Step/MetafitAlternating weekly
6.35pm - 7.20pmBoxercise
7.30pm - 9.00pmBadminton Club
10.30am - 12.00pmShort Tennis 50+
12.00pm - 2.00pmPickleballNon-members pay £6 at reception.
4.00pm - 4.40pmJunior Football P1 - P4For kids aged 8 and under.
4.40pm - 5.20pmJunior Football P4 - P7For kids aged 9 and over.
6.00pm - 6.30pmHIIT StepMetafitAlternating weekly
7.00pm - 9.00pmSenior Table Tennis Club (1 Court)
9.00am - 10.00amSenior Football (Member hire)Instructor makes the charge for the class and payment is made directly to them, for details speak to instructor
10.00am - 11.00amAerobics Instructor - Natalie
11.00am - 12.30pmSenior Badminton Club
2.15pm - 4.15pmKrav MagaInstructor makes the charge for the class and payment is made directly to them, for details speak to instructor
Nothing scheduled for Sunday